Spring is upon us and we are finally starting to see some nice weather. The kind of weather where you can spend the days outside enjoying the sunshine and the nights curled up under a light with the doors and windows still cracked a bit.
Do you ever just stop and look around and listen for God's message? As I sit here today, on the steps of Sacred Heart Hall, I cannot help but see a beautiful tree, filled with bright, lime green leaves. It has a strong trunk and provides a home to a squirrel. Directly opposite, I see another tree. Still showing its dried up, browned leaves of last fall. It too has a strong trunk and I'm sure provides a home for one critter or another.
Then the message comes to me. God is showing me that in all life there is death. There is beauty in life and beauty in death. Life is a gift given to us by God to help us understand how special we are to him. He created this earth and shares it with us until he calls us home to Heaven.
Many people fear death. But if you look at that tree, it still stands strong. It's leaves are withered, it's roots aren't as strong as they once were and it proves less shelter for it's critters. Yet, it still stands strong and tall.
We will get older and our "leaves" will wither too. Our roots will lose strength and myriad other things may happen. But, it's important that we stand strong and tall in our faith. Knowing that although our earthly life is done, we will live on forever in the Kingdom of Heaven.
That is the beauty in life and the beauty in death.