We must always remember it is God’s plan that counts, not ours. We are tools in His hands, often faulty tools. We are clay to be molded. That is why anything we want to accomplish, is directed according to His schedule, for His purposes. In other words, we don't have to fight the good fight, God is fighting it for us!
Sometimes things look bleak to us humans. We get discouraged, we lose heart. This is sometimes because we forget that all things are possible with God! If He can turn five loaves and two fish into an “all-u-can-eat” buffet for thousands; then He can, and will do whatever is needed, when it is needed, for each of us. We don't have to fight the good fight alone, God is fighting it with us!
We may not recognize God's help at the time, and we may even argue with God, or others about what we think should happen; but we should not. But if we want God to fight the good fight for us, and to be tools in his hands, then we need to accept his will and not question it. Now sometimes we are going to mess this up, maybe we will get angry, or say something we should not say. But we will eventually be brought to our senses and we will be forgiven, if only we ask.
Life may sometimes be a battle, but we do not have to fight it alone. For if we will let go, and let God, he will fight if with us, and for us, and he will win our battles as well. Just not necessarily in the way or in the time frame that we hope he will.