Please, know that all of the members of our Parish remain in in my prayers and you are remembered in particularly today as I offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at the Altar of God for “The People of the Parish” as well as during the particular liturgies reserved to these most holy days.
Bishop Gainer is Live Streaming
Bishop Ronald W. Gainer will invites the faithful to join with him, remotely, for a digital Holy Week and Easter Masses. All live streams of Holy Week and Easter Masses will be recorded and available for view after the scheduled Mass.
Through the advantages of technology we are able to be remotely present with our Bishop in prayer. We recall the joyful visit of Bishop Gainer to our Parish for the Solemnity of Epiphany of this year, a wonderful Pastoral Visit for our Bishop as we celebrated the arrival of the Three Magi. It is my hope that each of you will participate in these sacred occasions of prayer with our Bishop – you can view these Masses live or view them later, so if you are reading this after they have begun do not worry, just click on the links and start from the beginning… what a privilege to have Holy Week with Bishop Gainer!
As a guide, or if live streaming is problematic, here is a link to the
Scriptures of the Day – also, here is an at
home liturgy with prayers and readings – and, be sure to
pray a Spiritual Communion as you spiritually unite your time of prayer to the offering of the Holy Mass. As I did last week, I strongly recommend making time for praying the
Stations of the Cross and/or Sorrowful Mysteries of the
Rosary as a family – today and
during this week.
The Start of Holy Week – Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Today we begin the most pivotal week of the year for each of us as Catholic Christians – no matter the trial or challenge these days are uniquely privileged and extraordinary sacred, a time of incredible grace.
As you pray with Bishop Gainer, or pray and read the Sacred Scriptures for today’s Holy Mass, you will notice the prominence of the Gospel during today’s liturgy. Perhaps this will be the surprising grace of our time of limitations: a renewal of our devotion, reverence, and love for the Sacred Scriptures. Yes, Palm Sunday this year will be very strange without the familiar assembly at Church and Blessed Palm Branches. Absent from physically gathering and without a palm branch in our hands, our minds will be filled with the Word of God and our hearts will hold ever tighter on the Gospel account of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem and His Passion. No doubt, this year’s Holy Week will be memorable for each of us. In the midst of so many frustrations, disappointments, and uncertainties, we must seek to accept the graces that the Lord is offering to each of us. It remains my continued hope that these challenging days will be a true time of growth for each of us, to increase friendship with God.
For those who are curious, yes I will bless Palms today according to the updated (adapted) directives from the Vatican and the Diocese. But, because of the contagious nature of the coronavirus the distribution of Blessed Palms will be delayed. The Palms are spread out, to make easier the blessing – I will leave them out to dry, so that they will not become moldy in the plastic bags that they were shipped in – and they will be available/distributed when it is permitted and responsible.
Although our current restrictions and cautions do not allow us to gather in the same manner as we usually do, we are intensely united through our Catholic Faith and our Hope in Christ. The incredible truth of God’s Love shapes our entire lives, this truth is manifested in a most powerful way in these days when we commemorate Christ’s sacrifice of His flesh and blood for our eternal life.
A final word…
It is essential that we remain a people of prayer.
Through prayer, listening to the Word of God, and penance each of us can choose to seek the Lord Jesus in this moment, in these days of Holy Week amid such strange times. I have great confidence in you, and I have no doubt of the abundant graces that God will pour out upon those who seek his strength.
Please, continue to pray for the swift end to this public health situation and the recovery of health for the sick. Also, please keep medical professionals, leaders, those who serve the common good, and vulnerable persons in your prayers during these challenging days. Let us entrust ourselves and our petitions to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.
Know of my prayers for you, please pray for me!
Father Wilke
Saint Joseph, Guardian of the Redeemer, pray for us!