Our mission: Support, empower and educate all Catholic women in Spirituality, Service, and Leadership.
Attend retreats, conferences, conventions
Host Day of Reflection (day before Ash Wednesday)
Pray the rosary
Hold a rummage sale. Profits used for working monies to support projects
Present informative programs
Make and distribute prayer shawls
Make teddy bears for Birthright and Manna
Gather Jared Boxes and small stuffed animals for children at Evan
Host a Friendship Luncheon
Host a coffee social after mass
Offer gifts for priests and religious
Collect soda tabs, stamps, card fronts
Adopt a Sister from Saint Cyril and Methodious
Host milestone wedding anniversary mass/reception
Host funeral luncheons served by CCW volunteers
Senior Award:
Conduct 200 Club campaign funding a cash award for a graduating senior girl
Nicaragua $100 donation given for family cow or goat
Haiti donation for sister parish
Legislation/Respect life:
Birthright donation and program speaker
Information about abortion legislation and human trafficking
Programs and advertising
Council handbook
Virtual communication (local members)
Public Relations
Parish website
Parish bulletin
Provide information to Northern District and Harrisburg Diocesan CCW
HOPE - Harrisburg OPerating Expenses (Special Diocesan Activities)
Bakeless bake sale in October for Bishop’s projects
CCW Hierarchy;
National Council of Catholic Women
Harrisburg Diocesan Council of Catholic Women
Northern District Council of Catholic Women
Sacred Heart Parish Council of Catholic Women
Sacred Heart Parish CCW
*Handbook--Officers, meeting dates and programs, commissions and committee chairpersons.
*Meetings--2nd Wednesday of each month from September to May rotating from Sacred Heart to St. George
*Communion Breakfast-May or June (Speaker and Senior Award)
*Meetings--CCW prayer, pledge, Bible reading, program, refreshments, business meeting.
*Each meeting concludes with 10 Hail Marys dedicated to the intentions of the Bishop
Spirituality Commission
Spirituality (Church & Retreats) - Denise Kelleher
Service Commission:
Family & Community - Terry Zelner
International (Nicaragua & Haiti) - Board
Leadership Commission
Legislation/Respect Life - Pam Wagner
HOPE Fund (SDA) - Board
Membership/Communications - Kathy Kennedy
Sunshine/Hospitality - Debra Gillott, Beth Tully
Funeral Luncheon - Marge Schmader (SG), Marilyn Huff (SH)
200 Club - Holly Morgan
Senior Award - Marianne Piorkowski, Mary Lou O’Brien, Debra Gillott
Rummage Sale - Maria McDermott, Kandy Osman, Kathy Kennedy
Prayer Shawl Ministry - Nancy Bauer (SG), Liz Higgins (SH)
Communion Breakfast - Ginny Hughes, Nancy Bauer, Anita Bottiger
Teddy Bears - Marge Schmader
Program/Advertisement - Pam Wagner
Other Communications - Marianne Piorkowski
Marian Morning of Reflection - Board
Wedding Anniversary Reception - Madeleine Gehringer