As a child, I remember being excited to go to church--usually much more so than my mother or grandmother. Where I grew up, my church was about ten blocks away and back in those days, a child could walk ten blocks and not have to worry as much about being kidnapped or attacked.
So, on Sundays, I would put on my favorite dress and gleefully trek the ten blocks to St. Theresa's Catholic Church. I remember sitting in the pew and watching in awe at what was happening. I watched a grown-up read the Word of God. As a child, I had no idea he was reading from a book. I thought God had written him a letter for us that day. Then, I watched as the priest held up the Body of Christ and recounted the Last Supper. I watched him call to the Lord to come down into our church and to let the Eucharist become the Body and Blood of His Son Jesus Christ. It was beautiful to me--even though I really had no idea what was happening.
Today, as an adult, I often sit at church and look around. The children are playing, coloring, rolling around on the floor, eating, or sleeping. While I understand every child is different and some are often hard to control, I feel that church is the greatest teachable moment in a parent's life. Sharing the love of God and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins is so miraculous, every child should feel the same joy and excitement I did as a child.
After teaching Sunday school this past year, I realized that children are a lot smarter than we give them credit for. I often hear parents saying things like, "He's only a child, he wouldn't understand," or "She's too young to understand what's going on." But truthfully, I think all kids are capable of understanding the mysteries of God and the beauty of Holy Mass. The first time we took our class down into the church, the awe on some of their faces was priceless. Some didn't know where to look. Some didn't know what to do. Some wanted to point out everything and ask what this is and what that is.
I invite you during mass to take a minute to teach your children about the beautiful, miraculous event taking place before their eyes. Let them know that they are in God's house, not just a building and a room. Show them how Deacon Owen carries a book, written by God. Inside that book are the words of our Lord. Words he wants them to hear today. Show them how our pastor calls to the Lord and brings the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ into our church and into our Eucharist. Show them that they are part of the Holy Mass and how Jesus is talking to them through the Word of the Lord.
Some may go right back to coloring or rolling on the floor, but at least they know that it's the floor of God's house and that God's message is for them too!