Do you remember the movement that swept our country many years ago? Enthusiastic, clean-cut youth singing their theme song,
"Up, Up with People"? Although they traveled world-wide, it seemed so to fit with the American dream. Every July 4th holiday, we try hard to polish the tarnish off that dream!
The readings for this 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time fit so well with our dream, since they're all about life. They remind us that God and people are especially bonded! He created us for happiness, freedom, and life to the full. "God did not make death, nor does He rejoice in the destruction of the living," the Book of Wisdom declares.
So, then, who did invent death? Satan the Destroyer! All who submit to his rule will experience death! How then, do we escape death? Through clinging with all our strength and will to the commandments of God, and the teaching of His Son, Jesus. In particular, we find the key to life (today's second reading) in letting go of self, and sharing generously of all that we have and are with the "have nots" in our midst. By giving up His life, Jesus restored eternal life to all.
Today's Gospel from Mark has that interesting "sandwich" type of story, telling two stories in one. As he so often does. It's the story of the healing of a prominent Jew's daughter. Jairus falls before Jesus, acknowledging His power to heal, and begs Jesus to come to his house, where his twelve-year old daughter is on the point of death. Jesus goes immediately with Jairus, a large crowd following.
Now comes the "story within a story!" A poor woman who has exhausted all her money on doctors, none of whom can cure her from a serious illness, sees Jesus coming, and quickly comes up behind Jesus. Now, it's important to know that she is legally "unclean," and therefore cannot touch anyone. Nevertheless, she reaches out and touches Jesus' cloak.
Both the poor woman and Jesus know that healing power has gone forth. Jesus turns around, inquiring who is the one who has touched Him. Fearfully, the woman admits that she is the one. Jesus immediately calms her fear, telling her to go home in peace, for she is healed. Then, He proceeds to the house of Jairus, where He learns that the little girl has died. Quieting all the commotion, He goes in with the child's parents and Peter, James, and John. Taking the hand of the girl, He brings her from death to life, ordering that some food be brought to her. How thoughtful of Him!
Today's theme is all about life. God is the Creator, the Source of life. Wherever there is "death," either through sin, disease, or distress of any kind, He brings healing and an end to fear. He brings even more life than existed before. No, God did not invent death, nor does He rejoice in it. Death in the name of religion is a contradiction! What a great God we have, worthy of our constant gratitude, our praise and our love! Let us always adhere to His truth.