When someone wants to become a Catholic they go through what we call the RCIA (Rite of Chrisitan Initiation of Adults.) program. Its a period of time where you get to discern the Catholic Faith, and all that it provides in a safe environment of people just like you! People who want to see if the Catholic Faith is the next step in their Faith journey to God!
Going through RCIA is kind of like dating someone. Just because you start dating someone doesn't mean you will definitely marry them! The whole point is to find out if the two of you are right for each other! The same thing applies to RCIA, The RCIA program gives you an opportunity to get to know the Catholic Faith, and decide if this is actually right for you. This way, when the day comes that you join the church officially, you will do so confidently knowing that the Catholic Faith truly is where you want to be.
If you are ready to start that discernment process, then the first step is to fill out the information below, and click the submit button to begin your journey towards Catholicism!