Calling all men! You are invited to join with other men of Sacred Heart Parish on Saturday mornings for brotherhood and lively discussions through the That Man is You! (TMIY) program. TMIY honestly addresses the pressures and temptations men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive! TMIY is a life-transforming program dealing with marriage and family life, men’s issues, such as balancing work demands, and encouraging a greater participation in parish life. TMIY truly accompanies men and their families on the pathway to holiness.
Organized around a central theme and presented through the lens of 7 Steps that make it simple for men to follow, this engaging content is delivered in 26 sessions, divided equally between Fall and Spring. A quick capsule of each week can be found here. Sacred Heart Parish is in its 10th year participating in the program with over 80 men having registered and typical attendance of 20 to 25 men. You can attend either in-person or virtually through Zoom. Sessions are on Saturday mornings, held in Immaculate Heart Hall, and finish by 8 AM so men have the rest of the weekend to spend with their families. Each weekend session stands alone so you can attend as your schedule allows. The Winter/Spring 2025 session started in February and follows the below Saturday morning schedule:
6:00 AM Rosary (optional)
6:20 AM Coffee/Light Breakfast/Fellowship
6:55-7:00 AM Opening Prayer, Introduction and TMIY Video
7:30 AM Discussion Groups
8:00 AM Conclusion/Closing Prayer
Coffee/tea/juice and light breakfast options, including donuts, casserole, and prepackaged food items, are provided.
Those wishing to participate remotely can watch the video with the group or watch the video on their own and then join the small group discussions.
Registration is not necessary. Just show up! However, if you want to let us know your are coming, have any questions, or would like more details please fill out the below form or contact Kevin Capatch,, or Mike Patterson, They or one of our core leaders will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also click on this link to request to join our group: Additional information on the TMIY program can also be found on the Paradisus Dei website.